Genesis Coupe rear alignment set
The Hyundai Genesis Coupe rear end has a complex 5 link configuration. The factory geometry has an aggressive wheel travel path upon lowering that toes in, gains negative camber and travels rearward towards the bumper. This set lets you correct all of that to achieve correct alignment. Every arm adjustment results in the need to make complimentary adjustments in the other arms in order to keep the wheel centered in the wheel well (upper and lower traction arms) & maintain even tire wear through camber control (rear upper and lower arm) as well as turning and traction character with the toe rod, so we made the full set available with one click. If your goal is getting rid of all the OEM rubber in the back of the car by buying the comlete arm set to maximize response, our solid subframe riser would compliment the all spherical bearing arms by improving roll center and overall rear end predictability.


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  • The Hyundai Genesis Coupe rear end has a complex 5 link configuration. The factory geometry has an aggressive wheel travel path upon lowering that toes in, gains negative camber and travels rearward towards the bumper. This set lets you correct all of that to achieve correct alignment. Every arm adjustment results in the need to make complimentary adjustments in the other arms in order to keep the wheel centered in the wheel well (upper and lower traction arms) & maintain even tire wear through camber control (rear upper and lower arm) as well as turning and traction character with the toe rod, so we made the full set available with one click. If your goal is getting rid of all the OEM rubber in the back of the car by buying the comlete arm set to maximize response, our solid subframe riser would compliment the all spherical bearing arms by improving roll center and overall rear end predictability.

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