IS300 Rack Forward Crossmember Center Section
*Steering Shaft Extension, part number SSE, is sold separately* Weld in this laser cut and CNC press brake bent steel crossmember center section to move the steering rack forward 36mm for use with modified steering knuckles. Reduces overcentering and binding at high steering angle. Includes Aluminum and delrin solid rack mounts to allow precise and easy control over big steering angles. This kit lengthens the life of the steering rack compared to using offset rack spacers. We recommend using our machined eccentric bolt lock outs and slim hardware set (sold separately) so your tie rods clear the LCA mounting bolt when the rack is moved forward. For planning the scope of the fabrication work, look in the gallery here & at the instagram media for crossmember marking, cutting, welding and ideal finished assembly images and videos by searching the hashtag #SXE10CS **Fits Left hand drive vehicles only. You may need to extend your steering column when relocating the rack. We sell steering column extenders separately, part number SSE. You can purchase a precise traceable template for cutting the crossmember after adding the CS to your shopping cart. Even if you will just use the CS plate for cutting, watch the instagram video on marking by searching the hashtag on Instagram #SXE10CSmarkingJig


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  • *Steering Shaft Extension, part number SSE, is sold separately* Weld in this laser cut and CNC press brake bent steel crossmember center section to move the steering rack forward 36mm for use with modified steering knuckles. Reduces overcentering and binding at high steering angle. Includes Aluminum and delrin solid rack mounts to allow precise and easy control over big steering angles. This kit lengthens the life of the steering rack compared to using offset rack spacers. We recommend using our machined eccentric bolt lock outs and slim hardware set (sold separately) so your tie rods clear the LCA mounting bolt when the rack is moved forward. For planning the scope of the fabrication work, look in the gallery here & at the instagram media for crossmember marking, cutting, welding and ideal finished assembly images and videos by searching the hashtag #SXE10CS **Fits Left hand drive vehicles only. You may need to extend your steering column when relocating the rack. We sell steering column extenders separately, part number SSE. You can purchase a precise traceable template for cutting the crossmember after adding the CS to your shopping cart. Even if you will just use the CS plate for cutting, watch the instagram video on marking by searching the hashtag on Instagram #SXE10CSmarkingJig

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